Breast Health

The body tends to store toxins in various fatty tissues in the body. And, as a woman’s breasts are largely fatty tissue, they often become quite toxic.

Plexus has a breast health product line that gives every woman an opportunity to look after her breast health in a loving, gentle and extremely effective manner.

Plexus Worldwide, Inc. from Plexus Worldwide on Vimeo.

Breast Chek Kit

This revolutionary kit consists of two micro-thin layers of polyurethane with a non-toxic lubricant sealed in between. When the Breast Chek is placed on the breast, the bottom layer gently adheres to the skin and remains stable allowing the upper layer to slide freely underneath your fingertips. As the upper layer slides freely over the bottom layer, friction is greatly reduced. This results in what is called “sensory touch magnification,” meaning that your sense of touch is greatly improved, which leads to more effective and accurate breast exams.

You really need to watch this short video

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